Beach House Chardonnay Levels 2021

White Wine



Gold National Wine Aotearoa Wine Competition 2023

Gold 5 Stars Number 4 Dish Magazine 2024 Chardonnay Tasting September 2024. They said...

"An ultra-textural, seriously rich, fruit forward chardonnay showing cashew and marzipan layers, and enchanting oak curving around a core of creamy, honeyed complexity. Crafted by Chris Harrison, it has incredible energy and length and it's a joy to drink."

Celebrate its excellence while you can.

5 Stars Wine Orbit. They say... "Gorgeously complex and enticing, the bouquet shows golden peach, fig, vanilla and cedar characters with a hint of lemon zest. The palate delivers terrific weight and persistency, wonderfully complemented by fleshy texture and well-integrated acidity, finishing long and delectable."

SKU: 18982

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